17 - 18
March 2017

Day one you will learn nuno
felting, combining silk with merino wool to form a unique nuno felt scarf. You
will then discover the eco printing technique, printing your scarf to your own
Day two you will make submersion
dyes from plant material and learn to felt over a plastic relief pattern to
create your own nuno felt cushion. These will then also be eco dyed with the
technique of your choice.
Further experiments with colour from the submersion dyes and eco
printing will also be done throughout the course - Two wonderfully creative
days to introduce you to some beautiful new techniques.
Places in classes of two days or more can be secured by paying $100 deposit
and balance two weeks before class dates. Deposits can only be paid by
phone: 9231 8182.
Maiden Theatre
Age: Adult
info: www.transportnsw.info
info: Class fee includes all materials, morning tea and lunch
(Foundation & Friends $295)
Johnson (02) 9231 8182 | lyn.johnson@rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au
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