Sunday, 23 November 2014

Nuno felt clothing course

Here are some beautiful nuno felt tunics being made in my advanced felt making course at Mosman Community College this term. 

I love the way each person expresses themselves so differently and finds such hidden talents within themselves that they didn't always know was there!

These students began the term with no experience in felt making. Each week we explored new techniques, building up knowledge and skills through the introduction classes, to then finale with the tunic. Next term they can come back to create a nuno felt jacket if they would like to explore further.

Mosman Community College is a great place to take short courses or longer, in many subjects and is open to anyone. For more information on term 1 of 2015, click here:

The finished works, beautiful original wearable art pieces to be flaunted to their friends!
Each piece is reversible, with its wonderful textured silk side contrasting the colourful woollen side. 

I love watching the amazement and wonder of the students as they learn these expressive techniques and see what they are capable of creating themselves. A lovely way to spend our days.

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